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免费早餐 我们也可以根据您的要求提供中式特色早餐,欢迎预订




这家位于基多的精品酒店不仅仅是一个让你休息的地方,它还是一个真正的艺术奇迹,德克和玻利瓦尔会让你敬畏不已。 古老的魅力与现代的舒适完美融合,营造出令人难忘的氛围,让您仿佛回到过去。 酒店的每一个角落都洋溢着主人的热情和奉献精神,精心翻修的 18 世纪古建筑为您的下榻提供了绝佳的背景。

您还可以亲身体验屋主的艺术天赋,因为每间套房都有一件利用房屋古老元素创作的独特艺术品。 这不仅仅是一家酒店,更是一个热情好客的杰作,每一个细节都经过精心打造,为您带来难忘的体验。



我们对家庭旅馆的承诺不仅限于设施。 我们还为自己的地理位置感到自豪,这里交通便利,附近的景点和活动将吸引整个家庭。 无论您是想游览当地公园、参观主题公园还是进行户外探险,我们知识渊博的工作人员都能帮助您规划适合您家庭兴趣和喜好的行程。

独特的早餐 免费早餐 我们也可以根据您的要求提供中式特色早餐,欢迎预订

我们很高兴向您介绍我们的独家早餐,为您的住宿增色不少 作为客房套餐的一部分,您可以在您想要的时间品尝到美味的客房早餐,这也是我们客人的最爱 如果您喜欢享用早餐,我们可在上午 7:30 至 9:30 之间提供早餐服务,每人额外收费 6.50 美元 只需最迟在前一天晚上通知我们,我们就会安排好 美味的早餐包括清爽的新鲜果汁、精选黄油和巧克力羊角面包、香脆的吐司、按您的喜好烹制的鸡蛋,以及个人冰箱中备有的各种其他早餐 您的满意是我们的首要任务,我们相信我们的早餐选择将为您的住宿增添乐趣 我们期待为您提供愉悦的个性化早餐体验

我们卓越的员工致力于为您提供无与伦比的体验。 我们的专业团队为每一位客人提供个性化的服务,确保他们在整个入住期间都能感受到宾至如归。 我们对您的到来表示热烈欢迎,并努力提供真诚的款待,让您从入住到退房都倍感安心。 我们的团队会花时间了解您的喜好和要求,确保您的住宿符合您的独特需求。 请放心,我们的团队将竭诚为您服务。 我们致力于让您完全满意,并将尽一切可能超越您的期望。 因此,请放松心情,尽情享受我们为您提供的住宿服务;我们相信,这将是一次难忘的经历,您将在今后的岁月中倍加珍惜。


我们热忱欢迎您,包括您心爱的四条腿宠物,光临我们的宠物友好型酒店。 在基多老城套房酒店,我们深知宠物是您家庭的宝贵成员,我们致力于确保您和您毛茸茸的朋友都能在我们这里度过一段难忘的时光。 请允许我们重点介绍一下我们为尊敬的客人及其宠物提供的各种设施:

在基多老城套房酒店,我们非常高兴地向 LGBTQIA+ 社区敞开大门。 我们的酒店充满爱心和自豪感,提供令人惊喜的优惠,坐落在一个重视和崇尚多样性的城市。 我们热衷于为所有客人营造一个包容和尊重的环境。 我们致力于为客人提供一个温馨的家外之家,让所有客人都能感受到安全和支持。 我们承诺将竭尽全力,确保您在我们这里度过难忘的时光。 探索基多之美,尽享舒适与自信。 入住对同性恋友好的酒店,让我们成为您难忘旅程的一部分!


圣布拉斯(San Blas)是基多一个历史悠久、文化丰富的街区,其历史可追溯到 1400 年,是传统的象征。 这里是这家著名家庭旅馆的所在地,周围餐馆林立,古迹遍布。 圣布拉斯很安全,有警察巡逻,有监控摄像头,当地社区充满活力。 住在圣布拉斯,感受过去与现在交汇的怀旧体验。 作为蛋糕上的珍品,我们步行即可到达历史中心的主要景点。

is ecuador safe to travel

Dear valued guest,

Discover Ecuador Safely: Unveiling the Beauty Beyond the Headlines

Step into the gateway of a secure and enchanting Ecuadorian adventure!

Is Ecuador Safe to Travel? Absolutely!

Explore the vibrant cities of Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca, each offering unique experiences. While common issues like pickpocketing exist, they are no different than those in major cities worldwide. The key? Awareness and precaution.

Hereby some words of the Minister of Tourism:

“The main goal of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism is to restore confidence in international markets and tourists following the recent wave of violence in the country and the declaration of an ‘internal armed conflict,’ as stated by Minister Niels Olsen in an interview with EFE. During the interview in Madrid, where the International Tourism Fair, Fitur, is being held, with Ecuador as the Partner Country, Olsen emphasized that the primary objective is to ‘restore confidence in international commerce, presenting Ecuador as the peaceful country it has always been and regaining trust in our destination.”

Dive into the enchantment of Ecuador with confidence and style. Capture the essence of ‘Timeless Elegance in the Heart of History’ at ‘Old Town Quito Suites.’ Elevate your journey, secure your stay, and create lasting memories. Book Now– where luxury meets legacy.

Ecuador, a land of diverse wonders, invites you to indulge in its beauty. But why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? ‘Old Town Quito Suites’ not only promises safety but elevates your experience with:

Timeless Elegance: Indulge in the charm of a bygone era without compromising on modern comforts. Our suites exude a unique blend of historic allure and contemporary luxury, creating an ambiance of sophistication that resonates with your refined taste.

Personalized Service: Every guest is a cherished individual. Our professional team, well-versed in the art of hospitality, ensures your stay is tailored to your preferences. From local recommendations to seamless tour planning, we are here for you.

Family-Friendly Retreat: For families with 1-3 children, our spacious suites provide a secure haven. ‘Old Town Quito Suites’ offers not just a stay but an experience the whole family can relish, ensuring comfort and safety for every member.

Solo Female Travelers’ Oasis: Safety and comfort take center stage for solo female travelers. ‘Old Town Quito Suites’ provides a secure environment where you can explore confidently, supported by a dedicated team focused on your well-being.

Enhanced Perceived Value: Your Gateway to Luxury

At ‘Old Town Quito Suites,’ we understand that true luxury goes beyond aesthetics. It’s about an experience that lingers in your memory. Elevate your stay with:

  • Exclusive Location: Immerse yourself in a secure area, allowing you to explore with peace of mind.
  • Spacious Retreats: Luxuriate in bright, expansive suites equipped with full kitchens for a homely feel.
  • Professional Concierge: Our team offers valuable insights, ensuring you make the most of your Ecuadorian adventure.

“Your Adventure Begins – Book Now!

Seize the opportunity to explore Ecuador with confidence. Click the “Book Now” button and secure your stay at ‘Old Town Quito Suites.’ Your unforgettable Ecuadorian journey awaits! Book Now


Warm regards,
Dirk Van den Begin, owner Old Town Quito Suites

Contact Us


与最近有些夸张的报道相反,厄瓜多尔的安全问题主要局限于沿海地区的一些地方; 内陆地区,包括基多、高原、亚马逊和加拉帕戈斯群岛,仍未受到影响,旅游、交通和安全工作照常进行; 厄瓜多尔欢迎您;

Dirk Van den Begin,基多老城套房业主